We started our journey to Texas by going through Mississippi and stopping in Meridian for a week. We wanted to check out Laurel, Mississippi, about an hour away, since we love watching Home Town on HGTV. We have a slight obsession with home make-over shows.
Meridian, Mississippi
Meridian is a charming town, more than just a place to stop for the night. There's plenty of food options and things to do to keep you busy for the week. And there are a few great cities just a little ways away!
Bonita Lakes Park
It was a cold and rainy week and Riley needed to burn off some steam. Let's be honest, so did Thomas. Bonita Lakes Park was a great place for Riley to really get time to ride his bike. All of us enjoyed riding through the paved walkways and enjoying the fresh air (as much as you can through a mask).
Downtown Meridian
This is a cute little downtown area with a lot of nice boutique-style shops and a number of great restaurants.
Laurel, Mississippi
We may or may not have fallen in love with this little town. Ben and Erin Napier have spent a number of years helping people renovate the houses in the area and they have done an incredible job. We love their show on HGTV and wanted to come check out the town and maybe peek into a house or two. We didn't really get to do that, but we DID get to go inside their stores.
If we could get them to renovate a house or two in Edison, GA, I have some ideas for them.
Scotsman General Store and Woodshop
This is a dude's dream store. If you like woodworking, check it out. If you have a beard, check it out. If you like saws, axes, and other heavy woodworking machinery, check it out.
Laurel Mercantile
Erin's store is just as awesome as Ben's. She's designed murals that are all over the town and they really add something unique to the area. (We didn't get any pictures of the inside, but you'll just have to go there yourself to find out!)

Mississippi Agriculture and Forestry Museum
Located in Jackson, Mississippi, the Agriculture and Forestry Museum is just a little ways down the road from Meridian. The model trains that were set up were incredibly impressive!

Up Next
We're headed to the Dallas-Ft Worth area for a couple of weeks. We ended up driving an hour or so through snow, but luckily it wasn't hard to get in and get set up. It was an interesting drive for sure!