Tucson, Arizona

Snow again!

It snowed the day after we got to Tucson. From what we've heard, that is really unusual for Tucson, but luckily it melted in a few hours and was just fine.

Food & Friends

We've really enjoyed the food in Tucson. So many great places to eat, made better by spending time with some of our friends we've met on the road.

The Mexican food is incredible! We picked up some roasted poblanos from a local farmer's market and I stuffed them with sausage and cheese and they turned out really great.

There was also a local "boutique mall" called the MSA Annex that was built out of MSA shipping containers. There's a great vegan place, Beaut Burger, and it's REALLY good! It's a cool little area with a lot of nice shops to check out.

Titan II Missile Museum

This museum was something else. I've never experienced anything like this before. I've been following a YouTube channel for several years where this family bought a decommissioned Titan II missile silo to turn it into an underground bug-out shelter, so this museum caught my attention as it was once a functioning missile launch system. Now I understand just how big this thing is and the scale of these missiles. They're massive. I can't imagine being one of the missile control people and having to launch one of these things while inside the bunker. It's unbelievable. Overall, this was a fantastic tour and I highly recommend doing it.

Saguaro National Park

We've been to a number of national parks so far but this one is really unique. The saguaro cactus is really on display here, but don't miss out on the many different kinds of cactus that are featured in the area. The drive is great and there are a number of really great hikes.

Up Next

After two weeks in Tucson, we're headed to San Antonio with a stop over the weekend to Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico!