Moab, Utah

Moab is the central location for a number of national parks and other recreational areas full of places to hike, bike, offroad, and have a lot of fun! Naturally, we enjoyed the national parks and ventured to a few other areas, but we realized after the first day that even though it was a cool 90-95 degrees in the hottest part of the day, the sun is relentless, so we took a break at the campground and relaxed in the campground pool.

Arches National Park

This was our second time to Arches and the experience from the first time gave us the ability to plan things out a bit. I even had an opportunity to try my hand at astrophotography!

Canyonlands National Park - Islands in the Sky

Canyonlands is a massive national park that is split into sections and accessing them can be a challenge. The Islands in the Sky district is in the northern part of Moab and offers expansive views of deep canyons.

Canyonlands National Park - Needles

The Needles district is to the southern part of Moab and has a lot of areas to hike with some really cool views. I think our favorite part was the Cave Spring hike since it was only a couple miles but partly shaded and they had a recreation of rancher life under one of the caves. Part of the trail took you up two ladders to hike on top of the formations and the views from there were incredible.

Dinosaur Tracks

All throughout the Moab area are dinosaur tracks, and the Mill Canyon Dinosaur Bone Trail is really cool! I've never seen dinosaur footprints outside of a museum and seeing these in real life really made them come to life.

Up Next

We're finishing the leg of this trip and heading to Gig Harbor for five weeks!

Thomas Hundley

Thomas Hundley